Have good conflict resolution skills
The quicker you can resolve a conflict, the less damage it will do.
Great managers understand that they are not their team. They know that the right way to get the most out of their team is not to do it themselves but to help each member of the team get the most out of himself. And they know how to do this. Ask any manager to list the most important strengths of each team member, and he/she will quickly come up with a list. That’s because the manager has asked each team member to tell him what his strengths are. If you do this too, you will probably get a very different answer.
Think of the strengths of your team as a set of assets, and think about how you can best deploy them to achieve your goals.
If you are in a leadership position, you might ask yourself: What goal is most important to me right now? If you don’t have a crystal-clear answer to that question, you should take a moment to think about what is most important to you right now.
Then, go over the strengths of your team. What are they? How well are they being leveraged? How can they be leveraged better?
To leverage your team’s strengths, you need to understand:
Where your strengths and weaknesses lie
What your strengths are and how you can improve them
What your team’s strengths are and how you can best deploy them
The way you view your team, leadership, and skills is a function of what you know about yourself and the people around you. Great leaders know themselves and their teams better than the average manager. They know what makes the people on their team tick. They know where their team members are strong and where they are weak. They know how they can leverage each team member to improve the team.
The average manager might look at his team and think, “I have these people on my team. They need to get this work done.”
The great leader looks at his team and thinks, “I have these people on my team and this is how I can leverage them to get this work done.”
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