Connect strategy to execution
Have you commited to getting the strategy right?, and are you making sure that it’s implemented effectively?
When you are creating a business, you should not only focus on the products that you are going to sell, you should also think about how you want your customers to know and recognize you in the environment. From the logo of your brand to the speech that you are going to send in an email, everything shows the personality of your brand and if it is consistent, it generates confidence in the client.
But beyond the image, there are some elements that although they are not so visual or graphic you should consider important. Each of them, separately or together, provides a distinction in an environment with a lot of competition, in addition to generating empathy with people who share similar thoughts to those that your business demonstrates. All this set of elements is known as organizational culture.
In this post we will talk a little about what organizational culture is, what are those elements that we mention make it up and why it is important that you share corporate values with your environment.
When you hear that a company has an excellent organizational culture, this refers to the set of objectives that an organization tries to achieve, including the rules of behavior that each one of those who make it up must believe, promote and manifest before the environment and among themselves. internally.
The organizational culture of a company manages the values, attitudes, experiences and beliefs, both personal and cultural, of those involved in the company, giving it a touch that differentiates it from the competition in the market.
To a certain extent, it is much easier to feel and it is more difficult to share it as each person experiences it since it is made up of personal situations that are experienced and perceived in different ways, something more subjective than objective.
To achieve a successful organizational culture, you must understand why its implementation is important.
Initially, it is an essential element if you are thinking of making changes in your organization, since if it is well established it can facilitate the planned transition. Remember that changing something, no matter how minimal, generates anxiety in those involved. If you ask them from the beginning that everything is going according to plan, they will feel much more comfortable.
In short, the organizational culture of a company guides people and gives them an identity, whether they are workers or clients, achieving an identity that together can generate internal benefits and economic conversions.
Not only is it what your customers see as your brand’s vision or mission with them; In reality, before reaching that point, the organizational culture of a company focuses on having employees committed to the brand, who “put on the shirt” and can share with each person with whom they interact the advantages of being part of a company that cares about their well-being, which, believe it or not, encourages the customer to come to know the offer it has for them.
To achieve an effective organizational culture, you need to have loyal and committed workers. Achieving this will probably position you before visitors as a company that cares about having happy and satisfied customers with its services, so its product / service offering must be excellent.
We know that the elements of organizational culture are like the set of norms, beliefs, values, symbols, etc. that make up an organization, but each of these elements can be considered as internal and external elements, depending on what kind of effect they have.
External elements They are those elements that as such are not part of the company but are part of the environment. In this case, if you consider that they have no direct effect, you are wrong.
Remember that the environment defines a large part of your success, so you will surely begin to be interested in the external elements of the organizational culture of your brand. They stand out among them:
This is the part that you have direct control over. These elements are linked from the root to your brand, both with your clients and with your employees. Some of the most important are:
Values - Everything that supports the moral basis of a brand. The corporate values are considered the pillars of the organizational culture since they include the norms and rules of conduct of the entire company. They are elements that promote the integration of all workers and clients, as well as giving certain consistency to each model, structure and action carried out by the company.
Mission - When a brand knows its objectives, it has a well established mission to fulfill in front of its environment. That’s what this element is about; It is the reason for the company’s existence and the reason why marketing, sales, etc. strategies are created. In the mission of a company it is defined what are the needs that it is proposed to satisfy, the type of clients that it seeks to contact and what you have to offer them. At the time of raising and writing it, try to make it concrete and motivating.
Vision - While it is true that it complements the mission of the company, the vision has its own objectives. It is responsible for giving you that impulse that is required for the mission to be fulfilled, including the actions that you think will achieve, as well as the period of time that you consider is adequate. When writing and sharing it, you think it should be information that has a strategic purpose. Beliefs - Each company has certain beliefs that support its way of acting. We are not talking about religious beliefs, but about actions that drive and converge directly with the values of the company. You can have beliefs that are directly related to supporting cultures, sectors of the population, etc. The important thing is that with each action you take, you show that your company has beliefs and they are respected. If the client adapts to them, you achieved a point in your favor.
Symbols - As you know, the symbols that make up an organization are responsible for communicating something. Whether it is a formal or informal communication, they are objects with an image character that associates ideas in a natural way, thanks to colors, designs, etc. In this part are included the logos, images and graphic elements that they consider give personality to your brand. You can view them from the product label to the last button on your website, through your profile images on social networks and the designs that are had in the brand’s offices and even in the clothing of its workers (be it online store, a physical office or a whole corporate, size does not matter).
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